
Paul ekman facial action coding system angry
Paul ekman facial action coding system angry

paul ekman facial action coding system angry

Friesen Afterword: Depression and expression / Paul Ekman Emotional experience and expression in schizophrenia and depression / Howard Berenbaum, Thomas F. Facial expression in affective disorders / Paul Ekman, David Matsumoto, Wallace V. Sejnowski Afterword: The next generation of automatic facial expression measurement / Javier R. Movellan, Gwen Littlewort, Bjonr Braathen, Mark G. Cohn Toward automatic recognition of spontaneous facial actions / Marian Stewart Bartlett, Javier R. Zlochower, James Lien, and Takeo Kanade Afterword: Automated analysis of the configuration and timing of facial expression / Jeffrey F.


Cohn, Yingli Tian Automated face analysis by feature point tracking has high concurrent validity with manual FACS coding / Jeffrey F. Messinger Signal characteristics of spontaneous facial expressions: automatic movement in solitary and social smiles / Karen L. Laurie Dickson Afterword: A measure of early joy? / Daniel S. Campos, Kazuo Miyake, Donna Bradshaw Afterword: The cross-cultural study of infant facial expressions / Linda Camras Differential facial responses to four basic tastes in newborns / Diana Rosenstein, Harriet Oster Afterword: Facial expressions as a window on sensory experience and affect in newborn infants / Harriet Oster All smiles are positive, but some smiles are more positive than others / Daniel Messinger, Alan Fogel, K. Kleck Afterword: Objective differences versus observers' ratings / Ursula Hess Japanese and American infants' responses to arm restraint / Linda Camras, Harriet Oster, Joseph J. Doré Afterword: Components and recognition of facial expression in the communication of emotion by actors / Pierre Gosselin, Gilles Kirouac Differentiating emotion elicited and deliberate emotional facial expressions / Ursula Hess, Robert E. Frank Components and recognition of facial expression in the communication of emotion by actors / Pierre Gosselin, Gilles Kirouac, François Y. Friesen Afterword: Some thoughts on FACS, dynamic markers of emotion, and baseball / Mark G. Friesen, Maureen O'Sullivan Afterword: Smiles when lying / Paul Ekman Behavioral markers and recognizability of the smile of enjoyment / Mark G. Prkachin Smiles when lying / Paul Ekman, Wallace V. Prkachin Afterword: The consistency of facial expressions of pain / Kenneth M. Patrick Afterword: On knowing another's pain / Kenneth Craig The consistency of facial expressions of pain: a comparison across modalities / Kenneth M. Rosenberg, Paul Ekman Afterword: Emotions as unified responses / Erika Rosenberg Will the real relationship between facial expression and affective experience please stand up: the case of exhilaration / Willibald Ruch Afterword: The FACS in humor research / Willibald Ruch -Įxtroversion, alcohol and enjoyment / Willibald Ruch Afterword: Laughter and temperament / Willibald Ruch Signs of appeasement: evidence for the distinct displays of embarrassment, amusement, and shame / Dacher Keltner Afterword: The forms and functions of embarrassment / Dacher Keltner Genuine, suppressed, and faked facial behavior during exacerbation of chronic low back pain / Kenneth D. Hager Coherence between expressive and experiential systems in emotion / Erika L. Hager, Paul Ekman Afterword: Asymmetry in facial muscular actions / Joseph C. Simons The asymmetry of facial actions is inconsistent with models of hemispheric specialization / Joseph C. Simons Afterword: Is the startle reaction an emotion? / Paul Ekman Afterword: FACS in the study of the Latah syndrome / Ronald C. Is the startle reaction an emotion? / Paul Ekman, Wallace V. Introduction: The study of spontaneous facial expression in psychology / Erika Rosenberg.

Paul ekman facial action coding system angry